Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula

Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula

Since 1934, Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula has cared for people from birth to end of life and everything in between. Patients can expect the best care available, inside the hospital or at any of our outpatient settings.

Patient Profile
Patient Profile

Licensed Beds
Community Hospital 258
Westland House 28
Community Hospital 12,669
Westland House 798
Births 1,090
Emergency Visits 53,347
Outpatient Visits 348,364
Inpatient 4,119
Outpatient 3,554
Employees 2,348
Medical Staff 487
Auxiliary adults/collegiates 273
Auxiliary juniors 142
Hospice of the Central Coast 70
Chaplain Services, clergy 16
Chaplain Services, non-clergy 22
Therapy dogs 34

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